dBm069 has a modular structure
There are three kind of modules:
A minimal configuration of main engine plus dBm-ACS and one library is needed to start running a test
- main engine
- add-on modules
- libraries
A minimal configuration of main engine plus dBm-ACS and one library is needed to start running a test
Main Engine
Add-on modules
A Library needs to be added to dBm069-Engine to be operative. dBm069-Engine will execute the Test Cases of the selected Library.
dBm069-Engine + ACS + Library are required to start running a validation process
dBm069 can be configured to meet your particular needs.
Which are your needs in relation to TR-069 CPE testing?
Let us know and we will give you our best advice to improve your testing procedures and results.
Which are your needs in relation to TR-069 CPE testing?
Let us know and we will give you our best advice to improve your testing procedures and results.
A simple solution, no need to choose any module, is also available:
It contains the Main Engine + dBm069-ACS + ATP069 library
With the possibility to upgrade it in the future if the need arises
It contains the Main Engine + dBm069-ACS + ATP069 library
With the possibility to upgrade it in the future if the need arises
There are some common features that characterize dBm069 range of tools, but probably the most important is that they can be used to perform any test that you can imagine related with TR-069.
Conformance testing following ATP69 is very important, but it is just a portion of the test cases than can be made with dBm069.
Performance testing and functional testing according to the Service Provider needs, can be easily implemented. Our engineers can help your team to prepare dBm069 to test your CPE in the way you need to guarantee the success of your future operations once the tested devices are deployed in your network.
Conformance testing following ATP69 is very important, but it is just a portion of the test cases than can be made with dBm069.
Performance testing and functional testing according to the Service Provider needs, can be easily implemented. Our engineers can help your team to prepare dBm069 to test your CPE in the way you need to guarantee the success of your future operations once the tested devices are deployed in your network.
Need to test your CPE under an specific Data Model?
dBm069 Benefits
Pre-Certification & Final Validaton
All included
Full Trazability
We differenciate Pre-Certification and Final Validation based on the testing environment. Tests performed against dBmACS are intended for Pre-Certification purposes and those performed against the same ACS as the one deployed by the Telecom Operator are addressed for Final Validation. Testing against the actual deployed ACS is the only way to guarantee 100% that the tests performed in the Lab will report the same results than when they will be performed in the in Operator Access Network.
There are several automations that characterize dBm069 tools. Both execution and Pass/Fail decision maker automation are the engines that allow the dBm069 family of tools to test in a faster and more reliable way than any other one. This applies both for Pre-Certification as well as Final Validation tools.
All dBm069 tools include all necessary elements to perform tests without the need of external gadgets, so Testers will not need to invest their time finding and configuring other external tools. Among others, dBm069 includes its own embedded tools, namely:
When testing and Certifying a device it is important to design processes to be 100% traceable. This is one of the main characteristics of the dBm069 family of tools. The same results will be obtained independently from the technical skills of the Tester, or the day when the test is performed. The results will be always the same... and all logs are automatically stored in its data base.